Case Studies

Infrastructure: Rio Underground Metro

The Challenge

Extension of the Rio underground metro, requiring three new ventilation shafts (two 4.1m in diameter at a depth of 100m, and one 5m in diameter at a depth of 100m)

Our Solution

Master Drilling addressed the following project challenges:

  • Pilot holes had to be drilled without deviation
  • Restricted access to site was resolved through the construction of custom-made ramps so that drilling machines could be transported to the appropriate areas
  • Operating hours were reduced to between 08:00 am and 22:00 pm, and noise levels had to be kept to a minimum as a result of surrounding residential areas
  • Effective stakeholder engagement with all parties involved and an emphasis on effective environmental management procedures

The Result

  • Project completed on time, within budget and without deviation
  • 100% safety record achieved during the duration of the project

Project Stats

Type of drilling type Raise boring
Machine Raise bore rig 009H
Excavation depth (m) 3 x 100m holes
Diameter 2 x 4.1m
1 x 5m
Geology Competent
Contractor Odebreght
Project Owner Rio Metro

New press release

Element Six and Master Drilling Announce Strategic Partnership